Monday, August 24, 2015

19 - 15 Random People and 15 Random Comments

Below are the 15 People that I've commented with each of their blog posts.

And this is what I wrote before my comment:
(Commenting to 15 Random People and You are One of the 15. ^__^ )

1. Martha Salamat: 15-Anti-Smoking Campaign
I totally agree to your concern, but there are more drugs to be emphasized with like weeds and coke for example. Never just focus for Marijuana and Nicotine.

2. Nathan Melad: 9-You Were the Chosen One
Well for me, congratulations for your shame and always look for a better tomorrow. Past is past! You can never change it; however, you can make your own future.

3. Kate Calma: 13-An Eventful Week
For Wednesday, Just do what you want to do and disregard all those people who trampled upon your desired action. For Thursday, maybe most of us had made our professor to do his poker face thing and later on laugh because of our Miss Universe-like-answer. For Thursday later on, you could just pray for the safety of those family and maybe you could help them through donation.

4. Fevy Espinas: 14-APC Anti-Smoking Campaign
We all know that smoking is really hazardous and I admire you for NOT BEING A SMOKER; however, your video was quite Rated 18+ and contains graphics that my eyes dislike.

5. Andrey Buzon: 15-Xbox One is better than PS4
Honestly speaking, I don't know any of the two objects that you have been debating on, but surely I know that Xbox One is better than the other because I read that "you can watch TV while playing a game." And it is awesome.

6. John Ryan Pasaoa: 10-T.V. Channel
Me too, If my childhood came back to me, I would watch this channel for a day including my breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but never forget the C.R Break.

7. John Bautista: 12-Anti-Smoking
I totally agree to your perspectives; however, these facts are a given and don't need any clarification because it depends on you if you will smoke or not.

8. Migell Gonzalo: 13- SoCSIT’s All English Term?
Your concern about the English term is quite passionate, but look at the bright side, you've acquire much knowledge since the beginning of the term, maybe for later use and it's all for your own good.

9. Samantha Munar: 12-Bestfriends
Your topic was amusing and yeah! Best friends are the best individuals that could carry all your hardships, all your happiness, and all your excitements without a doubt.

10. Joshua Morales: 12-My Made Up Best Man Speech
There comes a time where everyone has to be married to someone, but do you believe in FOREVER? And awesome made up best man speech, but someone might be angry about this and I will not say his name, but let’s call him by the name "Justin".

11. Tommy Lu: 15-If I Ever got an Award for Being the Best Support
First of all, congratulations for being the team champion in the LoL Tourney from the APC Genesis as the BasuRAMS. Nothing is impossible if you practice everyday and if you believe that you can be the best support.

12. Eugene Delfin: 13-Are You a Smoker or Not?
 I agree to your terms and conditions since I am not a smoker: however, you and yourself can prevent others from ever smoking a cigarette just by reprimanding them that smoking is bad for your health.

13. Jason Adriano: 8-Hero
Being a hero doesn't require lots of heavy work, you could become a hero in just a simple way and in your way to be exact.

14. Julius Claveria: 18-Anti-Smoking Campaign
Well-oriented post and I totally agree to your emotion towards smoking because I really felt that you want to diminish smoking that badly.

15. Vince Huliganga: 11-The Shame Week
I saw your performance on that day and don't feel bad if you got a shame because me and our block knows that you did your best and it takes a lot of guts to perform a solo in that very stage.


  1. Sammy, I appreciate your comment. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog.

  2. Why you didn't comment on my blog posts. Huhu so sad. Well, as I've read all your comments to our fellow blockmates.. You really read their blog post. Hehehe. Anyway, keep up the good work Mr. Angot!!

  3. Lol, weird post Sammy, posting about the ones you commented ahahhaha. Well just keep up the good work!

  4. I appreciate the way you've put an effort to read our blogs Sammy :) Thank you

  5. Why didn't you also comment on my blog posts. I really enjoy all your comments to our classmates! Especially for my BESI...... Martha! <3
