Good day to all! Today I will be talking about smoking, all the things that underlines this title in terms of physical,psychological, and mental effects. Sooner or later you might know something about my blog, and maybe my post for this day can/will stop smokers in ever lightening a single cigarette again. I know that this topic is very common for us and the reason of this commonality is that, we don't really pay attention about the subject for today;therefore, resulting to a major addiction or cigarette and persist in lighting them.
Smoking is bad for your health, this is what I heard in the news, on the web, comment of the non-smokers, my parents, my siblings, my grandparent, my teacher, my neighbor, etc. Funny thing to say that this description is somewhat very basic on the understanding for smoking, but the repetition of this advisory is always disregarded by some smokers who is really addicted to cigarette. Some smokers I think will only regard this advisory if the effects of the nicotine are showing in the smokers respiratory system. The way we learn the background of the cigarette has inspired us not to smoke or maybe some are fascinated with this background and started smoking;however, it only depends on the person's perspective about it. If you don't like cigarette then that's your perspective and if others like smoking then that is the way they see smoking and we should respect their decision. For the smokers, always keep in mind that for our every action has a result and the outcome could be a positive on or negative one depending the in the cause of the action. For the hardworking poor men this is very beneficial because on box of cigarette or maybe one stick costs only a few coins and with this few coins, you could actually buy a box of cigarette doubled to the percentage than your original wage, and the reason is because the numbers/population of the smokers are increasing and the productivity of cigarettes are astonishing. Well, for me this is quite scary.
As I end this, I tell you that I am Sammy Angot and I do not smoke. I really hate smoking because on my observation, you don't have any advantages for this action. For me, smoking is a JOKE and smoking is just BURNING YOUR LIFE LITTLE BY LITTLE, so try not to smoke. Okay!?
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