Thursday, July 27, 2017

Learning Log for Information Systems Security: Week 7 and 8 (Defense Break)

In Week 7, we had discussed ethics. Concepts, cultural norms, ethical issues, etc. Social media is I think the focus of this discussion and I think all is applied for the cyber world. The Code of Ethics that I’ve learned from Sir JP is somewhat similar to the Ethics of life that can be applied for real world scenario, like protect society/commonwealth/infrastructure, act honorably/honestly/justly/responsibly/legally, provide diligent/competent service to principals, advance/protect the profession. The Six ethics of life is that before you speak - listen, similar in protecting society; before you write – think, similar to act honorably; before you quit – try, similar in providing diligent; and lastly, before you die – live; similar in protect the profession in your limited given life. By the way there were only five given, but the original is six. In this week, ethics of hacking back was discussed and until now, I still don’t have a concrete answer from the generated questions coming from the discussion of Sir JP, maybe because understand it vividly. For me, hacking back is just a premade trap just waiting for its prey and it is applicable for anyone whom who thinks the same and I think that hacking back should be avoided. For the Week 8, we had discussed the six arguments relating to the controversial of hacking back. I wouldn’t explain these six arguments, but I’ll just provide a brief summary. The argument must be under the law and it shouldn’t exceed its boundaries with a purpose of replying a self-defense protocol without becoming one of the hackers and making sure that you have the knowledge of who is attacking you. Cyber attacks could happen abroad and this questions what kind of jurisdiction do you have with a public health issue is in question like if it could help you in your daily life and if your actions are practically effective. Also in this week, we are preparing for a debate on Monday, Jul 31 wherein our topic is Internet Censorship, that we are siding for the government. I really don’t know if we would win the debate, but we will do our best to secure that this motion would be positively implemented and also our machine project was given to us for finals.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Learning Log for Information Systems Security: Week 5 and 6 (Present Defense)

For the week 5, I was surprised that we will be using Cisco Packet Tracer all over again and my last use of this was last year. I and my group could not cope up with the exercise given to us because all of us had really forgotten all about this, but we didn’t just sit and wait, we asked for help and I mean all the help we can get to finish this exercise. After 4 days, we had done the exercise and sent it to our professor Sir JP and before finishing it, we struggled hard mainly in the setup region because this is the part wherein all the connections should be receiving packets from all the devices vice-versa. For the next week, we had discussed all about the Legal Issues and the background of Privacy, which for an instant was very shallow, but after an hour my perception had changed. Let’s first start with Legal Issues, this discusses different kinds of cyber crime and its law for both U.S. and Philippines. I enjoyed studying the difference between the Civil Law and the Criminal Law, I thought first for Civil Law because it rings a bell in my mind which is the Civil War in Captain America’s movie that in the same concept, it needs two parties in the discussion where both have their own perception about a subject. The Criminal Law that I truly hate is that the bulleted point in the PDF file is “To convict someone, the crime must be proven beyond any reasonable doubt” proof is really highlighted in this sentence which I think is practiced with the same concept in any judicial courts. For the Privacy discussion, I could not really explain the way I remembered it explaining to us by Sir JP, but for my perception that I’ve summarized is that Privacy is neither Good or Bad because for every Privacy created, it will really create a rift(metaphorily speaking) in the society and its up to us to see a side of it where would fit in our standard of perception to that topic. I really don’t know the answer, but my guess is Privacy is unfathomable. Today, our team would be focusing in the development of our Midterm Presentation about Bitcoin and the reality is we are nearly done.